Unveil Your Unique Path to Optimal Health, Defying the Hustle & Burnout Culture



Exhausted from the burnout cycle?



Overwhelmed by constant work, endless scrolling, and zero downtime?






I’m Felipe, your bridge

between two worlds:



medicine and holistic






My mission is to take

you on a voyage where

your unique essence

meets evidence-based

science and deep







I’ll show you how the ancient practice of meditation can become as easy as taking your next breath!

“Eup- WHO?!”




EUPNOEA isn’t just a concept, it’s your lifeline!

Built on my background and experience as a medical doctor, enriched with a fusion of Psychology, Neurophysiology, Mindfulness and Shamanism.

A Tailor-made Solution for the Overwhelming Life of The Digital Warrior

In the vast ocean of screens, pings, and notifications, it takes just one drop – a single breath – to cause a ripple of calm.


Unlock Your Full Potential

For every moment you feel buried under social media overload, zoom meetings (that could’ve been e-mails) and endless tasks, know that liberation is only a breath away.

Dive deep into the realm of EUPNOEA, where every inhale brings clarity, and every exhale propels you to action with renewed purpose.


Reignite Your Inner Fire

Don’t let screen fatigue dim your spark. Through focused and conscious breathing, reawaken the flames of creativity, intention, and your authentic energy within.


I’ve written an e-book to get you started out

The best part? IT’S FREE!

    Let’s change your Life.

    One breath at a time!

    Book your free call today to discover how I can help you

    breathe your way to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

    Melissa W.

    “Working on breathwork with Felipe was truly impressive. His knowledge and experience as a doctor allow him to skillfully and professionally guide his patients, always adapting breathing techniques to their individual needs.

    He communicates carefully and clearly, simplifying complex concepts for easy understanding. He also creates a warm and safe environment through the empathy he shows during sessions.

    These classes allowed me to discover the power of conscious breathing, equipping me with strategies to better manage daily stress, boosting my balance and well-being.

    I highly recommend it!”

    Junior W.

    “I am very fortunate to have found you on this journey. Even as a writer, sometimes words fall short.

    I hope to be able to show you one day how much I appreciate all the help you are giving me with your teachings.

    Eternal gratitude”

    Paul K.

    “Felipe is a real professional and created fantastic breathwork content for us. I’m excited to continually work with him.

    His work is of very high quality – 100% recommended!”

    Breath conSOULting Kickstarter


    Your 1-Month Foundation for Optimal Wellbeing

    Unlock Your Breath, Unleash Your Potential

    Feeling stressed, sluggish, or simply unfulfilled? The answer might lie closer than you think – in your breath. EUPNOEA’s Breath conSOULting Kickstarter program is a transformative 1-month journey that equips you with the fundamental tools to optimize your breathing for a healthier, happier you.



    Why Your Breath Matters:

    Our breath is more than just a biological function; it’s a powerful tool that directly impacts our physical and mental well-being. By learning to breathe correctly, you can unlock a range of benefits, including:

    • Reduced stress and anxiety
    • Improved sleep quality
    • Increased energy and focus
    • Enhanced physical performance
    • Strengthened immune system




    What You’ll Learn:

    • Functional Breathing 101: Master the basics of efficient and healthy breathing patterns. Learn how to breathe through your nose, optimize lung capacity, and reduce shallow breathing habits.
    • The Power of Buteyko: Explore the Buteyko Breathing Method, a gentle yet powerful technique proven to reduce chronic hyperventilation and improve overall well-being.
    • Pranayama for Beginners: Discover the ancient wisdom of Pranayama, a yogic breathing practice with simple techniques to enhance energy levels and manage stress.
    • BreathPLAY: Make learning fun and engaging with playful exercises that integrate movement, breath awareness, and mindful practices.



    More Than Just Techniques!

    Breath conSOULting Kickstarter goes beyond simply teaching exercises. Our program fosters a supportive and encouraging environment where you’ll learn:


    • The Science of Breath: Gain a deeper understanding of the physiological and neurological connections between breath and well-being.


    • Building Your Practice: Develop a personalized breathwork routine that seamlessly integrates into your daily life.


    • Self-Regulation Through Breath: Discover how conscious breathing can become a powerful tool to manage stress, anxiety, and negative emotions.


    Fast Results, Lasting Change:

    The program is designed to deliver quick wins. You’ll start to experience positive changes in your energy levels, sleep patterns, and overall sense of well-being within the first month.

    These foundational skills will empower you to continue your journey toward long-term health and happiness.


    Ready to Breathe Your Way to a Better You?

    Join EUPNOEA’s Breath conSOULting Kickstarter program and take the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

    Click on the button below right now and discover the transformative power of your breath!



    Do I need any experience in Breathwork or Meditation?

    Absolutely not! We’ll “take you by the hand” and guide you step by step, making sure you understand the foundational principles of breathwork and the essential aspects to focus on, guaranteeing a fulfilling session

    How effective is breathwork in improving my well-being?

    Breathwork is a scientifically-backed technique that can significantly impact your well-being. You can check out the list below of some of the numerous research articles that are progressively showing the benefits of functional breathing and how it can impact your health, from improving feelings of anxiety and stress to enhancing your physical performance in sports and other activities.

    Effect of breathwork on stress and mental health: A meta-analysis of randomised-controlled trials

    How much time do I need to commit to your program?

    We understand that everyone is busy, which is why we’ve designed our programs to be flexible and adaptable to your schedule. The exact time commitment will vary depending on the specific program and your individual needs.

    That said, you can enjoy the benefits of breathwork with as little as 5 minutes of practice per day, although you’ll always be encouraged to do at least 2-3 sessions/day for better results.

    What is the cost of your programs?

    The cost of our programs varies depending on the specific plan and its duration. We aim to provide the highest value for your investment. Please get in touch for more detailed information.

    How quickly will I see the results?

    Our programs promote holistic transformation, which often takes time and patience. While some clients notice changes early on (a few days/first week), significant shifts typically occur over a longer period. The pace of progress will be different for each individual.

    Remember one thing: INTENTION is everything! If you want change to happen quickly, you can’t practice the techniques once a week…